
School Nurse Caring You / ASMR Wound Treatment & Physical Examination

01:28 checking your wounds
05:41 cleansing the areas
09:39 disinfecting your wounds
12:30 applying some ointment
15:04 attaching bandaids
18:31 scalp check
23:20 listen to your heart
25:02 checking your body temperature
27:15 checking your eyes & nose & ears
30:50 looking inside your mouth and checking your teeth & tongue
35:51~ several checkups

Hi Everyone! This is Latte :)
In this video you are a student and I will treat your wounds and I will treat your wounds and do a simple checkup. I hope you enjoy this!

p.s. I'm sorry for not uploading for about 3weeks T_T I made this video weeks ago and I set it uploaded while I was in traveling. But I realized that there was some problem in the video and I didn't carry any laptop so I couldn't edit it! So I had to wait to be home. If you waited my video I'm so sorry but I will upload much more videos soon with fresh mind! Thank you for watching :) ♥

안녕하세요! 라떼입니다 :)
이번 영상은 양호 선생님이 상처도 치료해주구 간단하게 검사도 해주는 영상입니다. 즐겁게 시청해 주세요!

오랜만에 영상을 올려서 죄송합니다 ㅜ_ㅜ 제가 이 영상을 오래전에 예약 업로드를 해놨었는데 여행중에 확인해보니 영상에 문제가 있어서 집에 돌아올 때 까지 미뤄놓았네요. 노트북도 안가져갔었구 무엇보다 원본파일이 없으니 편집두 못할 상황이더라구요 흑.. 그래도 앞으로 다시 즐겁게 열심히 영상 만들도록 할게요! 혹여나 기다려 주신분이 계시다면 감사하구 죄송합니다! :) ♥


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